Capture the moments that matter.
Trigger locked-away memories using our categories and questions.
Keep them to yourself or share them with family and friends.

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Share your graduation story with your family that couldn’t attend.

Your grandchildren can listen to your alligator mishap story over and over.

Remind each other of the special moments you have shared throughout the years.

Leave your legacy for future generations long after you are gone.

Create a profile.
Select a category.
Get asked a question.
Record your answer.
Save your memory .
Share it.

Describe what I looked like the day I was born.

If there is one thing that could instantly cheer you up, what would it be?

Name 3 of your best qualities. What makes them special to you?

What personality trait is hardest to keep in balance? Why?

Who do you think knows you best? Do you think you know them the best in return?

Describe what I looked like the day I was born. .

If there is one thing that could instantly cheer you up, what would it be? .

Name 3 of your best qualities. What makes them special to you? .

What personality trait is hardest to keep in balance? Why? .

Who do you think knows you best? Do you think you know them the best in return? .

Who do you think knows you best? Do you think you know them the best in return? .

What age were my parents when I was born?

Which of your siblings (or you) got into the most trouble with your parents during childhood?

What are the names of your grand parents? Do you know their ancestry?

How did your relationship change with your children as they got older?

What is one of your favorite stories to tell your grandchildren?

What age were my parents when I was born?

Which of your siblings (or you) got into the most trouble with your parents during childhood?

What are the names of your grand parents? Do you know their ancestry?

How did your relationship change with your children as they got older?

What is one of your favorite stories to tell your grandchildren?

If you could change one thing about the first year of my life, what would it be?

What is the best trick you ever played on someone?

Have you ever had a dream that came true?

If someone went through your bathroom vanity, what’s the weirdest thing they would find?

What is something you did wrong that your parents never found out about?

If you could change one thing about the first year of my life, what would it be?

What is the best trick you ever did to someone?

Have you ever had a dream that came true?

If someone went through your bathroom vanity, what’s the weirdest thing they would find?

What is something you did wrong that your parents never found out about?

Can you remember when I rolled for the first time?

How far do you travel to see family on holidays? Who comes from the farthest away?

What was the most memorable birthday party you have had? Why?

Have you ever thought a wedding you were invited to attend might not happen? Should it have?

Do you celebrate milestone anniversaries different than any others? Describe your most memorable one.

Can you remember when I rolled for the first time? .

How far do you travel to see family on holidays? Who comes from the farthest away?

What was the most memorable birthday party you have had? Why?

Have you ever thought a wedding you were invited to attend might not happen? Should it have?

Do you celebrate milestone anniversaries different than any others? Describe your most memorable one.

Can you remember when I rolled for the first time? .

How far do you travel to see family on holidays? Who comes from the farthest away?

What was the most memorable birthday party you have had? Why?

Have you ever thought a wedding you were invited to attend might not happen? Should it have?

Do you celebrate milestone anniversaries different than any others? Describe your most memorable one.

What's in the headline news today? Do you have an opinion about it?

What is the most popular children's show on TV right now? Do you watch it?

Did you do the ALS Ice Bucket challenge? Who did you nominate?

Did you have a banana seat bike? If not, did you want one?

Did you have to practice taking cover for a potential nuclear attack? How did that make you feel?

What’s in the headline news today? Do you have an opinion about it?

What is the most popular children’s show on TV right now? Do you watch it?

Did you do the ALS Ice Bucket challenge? Who did you nominate?

Did you have a banana seat bike? If not, did you want one?

Did you have to practice taking cover for a potential nuclear attack? How did that make you feel?

Have you ever wished you could see and hear a loved one’s story just one more time?
Start recording your memories.